
Monday, April 20, 2009

Karangsem Regency

Amed & the Far East Coast This once-remote stretch of coast, from Amed to Bali’s far eastern tip, has reached that nefarious critical mass where it becomes a destination just because of its size. Yet unlike some other places on the Bali coast, it is holding onto the charms that drove the development in the first place. The mostly arid coastline has superb views across to Lombok and behind to Gunung Agung. Hotels, restaurants, dive operators and other facilities serve visitors who come to enjoy the fine scenery, the relaxed atmosphere and the excellent diving and snorkelling. Amed itself has no standard tourist centre but is instead a series of small villages in scalloped inlets. It’s the perfect hideaway if you want to simply stay put and never leave your village.
UjungIt is located 5 kilometer south of Amlapura, Taman Sukasada is the largest of the three water palaces built by the last Raja (king) of Karangasem, Anak Agung Ngurah was built in 1921
Taman Ujung didirikan tahun 1919 oleh Raja Karangasem terkahir, terletak di Desa Tumbu, yang waktu itu digunakan sebagai tempat perisitirahatan Raja Karangasem. Karena keindahannya Taman Ujung di sebut sebagai "Istana Air". Konstruksi arsitektur Taman Ujung memiliki kemiripan dengan Taman Air Tirtagangga dan Puri Agung Karangasem.

Padangbai Located on a perfect little bay, tiny Padangbai is the port for ferries between Bali and Lombok, and passenger boats to Nusa Penida. It is also a popular place to break a journey and relax while you plan your assault on Bali or Lombok (depending on which way you’re heading), and it’s a smaller, quieter, more beachy option than Candidasa. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from one end of town to the other. Take time to choose one of the many places to stay and eat; they’re all very close together.

Candidasa Tourist development ran amok in Candidasa and now there’s shoulder-to-shoulder development, an unattractive proposition for many. The main drawback is the lack of a beach, which, except for the far eastern stretch, has eroded away as fast as hotels were built. Most of the coastline has breakwaters, so you can’t even walk along it. The main drag is noisy and doesn’t get sea breezes. Despite all this, Candidasa is much less hectic than South Bali and is often as sleepy as the lotus blossom–filled lagoon. Many find it a fine base to explore eastern Bali and there are some good restaurants. It’s popular with divers and snorkellers, although beach-lovers will prefer Padangbai.

Candidasa adalah menjadi daerah tujuan utama dari para wisatawan yang datang ke Karangasem, terletak di wilayah Bugbug, Kecamatan Karangasem. Candidasa terkenal sebagai replika pantai Kuta karena sama - sama memiliki pasir putih. Sangat cocok untuk olah raga air seperti berenang, menyelam dan snorkling.
Tulamben sangat terkenal di Bali sebagai tempat untuk melakukan aktivitas diving dan snoekeling. Disini kita dapat jumpai Kapal US Liberty yang tenggelam waktu perang dunia II. Karang lautnya banyak terdapat populasi berbagai jenis ikan tropis yang sangat indah. Karena keindahan launtnya Tulamben dujuluki sebagai sorganya bagi pencinta diving dan snorkeling. Tulamben terletak di Kecamatan Kubu 21 Km Utara Karangasem.
Besakih terletak di Kecamatan Rendang. Besakih menawarkan panorama dengan backdrop Gunung Agung yang memiliki ketinggian 3142 meter. Pada bagian lereng Gunung AGung terletak sebuag Pura dengan dama Pura Besakih yang di nela sebagai Pura terbesar di Bali sebagi temput suci bagi umat Hindu.